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Myofascial Release using Fascia Mobilisation Tool

  • 36 Steps


Get this online training for free when you order your tool "Fascia Mobilisation Tool" Fascia helps stabilise and anchor muscles and other internal structures. When a muscle or its overlying tissue become irritate through injury, surgery or over-use, fascia may become irregular and overlapping collagen Fibers within the fascial layer. Fascial adhesions can affect mobility and range of motion. "Fascia Mobilisation Tool" detect and loose these fascial adhesions. Course overview: 1- Intro to Myofascial release 2- Stroke techniques 3- Plantar Fasciitis release 4- Calf muscle release 5- Achilles tendon release 6- Posterior tibial muscle release 7- Hamstring muscle release 8- Quadriceps femoris muscle release 9- Iliotibial Band (ITB) 10- Knee 11- Low-Back 12- Shoulder 13- Hand 14- Forearm 15- Treatment plan 16- Unlimited access to the online training 17- Certificate



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